Sunday, July 6, 2014

Juneau Day 3

Got up this morning to another day of no rain.  Actually have sunny skies!  Beautiful day!!
Found an ELCA church yesterday, so worshipped at Shepherd of the Valley at 9:30 a.m.  Perfect timing for our helicopter/glacier tour at 12:45.
Before church I took a picture of the mountain view outside out motel.  Wanted to have one mountain top with the sun shining and no cloud cover!  That's the first picture I posted.
Then there's Barry standing by a wood carving in the motel lobby - that's his next project :-)  I didn't take time to figure out how to right the picture, so you'll have to tilt your head.
The third picture is of the surface of the glacier.  It's not at all like I thought it would be.  Guess I thought it would be smooth like ice, but it's very rough, dirty, with water standing.
The fourth picture is of our helicopter pilot standing on the Hole in the Wall glacier.  He was kind enough to take a picture for each of the couples on the flight.  He took on of us that I posted.  Seems surreal to be standing on a glacier!
The next photo is of water flowing on the surface of the glacier.
Then both Barry & I took turns drinking from the glacier water.  I posted Barry getting his hand full of glacier water.  As expected, it was COLD and very good.
The final picture is of a not so very deep crevice with water running through it.
Enjoy and talk to you tomorrow!

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