Sunday, July 20, 2014

Boise, Idaho

We did it!  We have driven to 49 states!  Completed the task at 6:15 p.m. on Sunday, July 20, 2014.  We started going to the states on July 16, 1972, which was the day after our wedding.  It has taken us a while, but glad we got to 49 of the 50 states.  Hawaii is in the future.
We started the day in Oregon with a tour of the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River.  It is a hydroelectric dam and generates 60% of the electricity for the Northwest.  The guide said that some electricity is sold to states like Nebraska, too.  He also said it is the only hydroelectric site that allows citizens to see the generators.  We were over 30 feet below the surface of the river.
After touring the generating area, we went to view the fish in the fish ladder.  There wasn't any fish jumping up the ladder.  That only happens at the peak season which is not now.  We did see the fish fight against the current.  One would be swimming forward and suddenly be swept back to the previous window by the current.  The whole process was very interesting.
The rest of the day we drove 389 miles arriving at Boise at 7:15.  We stay in Boise tomorrow and still haven't decided what we are doing.
Enjoy the pictures and talk to you later.

Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River.

Outside view of the fish ladder.

The generators are the round, orange tops.

Generator up close.

Grown-up size tricycles the employees use 
to get around the generators.
You can see the size of the generator 
next to the large tricycles.

A fish trying to get to the next step.

This is the scenery on the east side of Oregon's mountains.
Very barren.

Made it to Idaho!!

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