Saturday, July 5, 2014

Juneau Day 2

This was our first full day at Juneau.  We went to the Juneau Whale Watch this morning.  It was a better day than when we did a whale watch last year off Massachusetts.  The weather was great, 'course we were dressed for it to be cold and we were just right.  But the sun shone most the time and there wasn't any rain.  Out of the pictures I took of the whales I have posted a fluke, one humpback diving and then two humpbacks diving.  One whale came within 20 feet of the boat.  Scared the heck out of most of us, including the captain.  Unfortunately I had already put the camera away thinking I gotten as good a pictures I was going to get.  WRONG!  But I may not have gotten a shot of the whale that close as I was so surprised.  All in all it was a great hour and a half on the water.
Then when we got back, there were three bald eagles on the beach, so I posted that picture.  Wish I could have gotten them flying, but didn't happen.
After the whale watch, we did a city tour & glacier stop.  I've posted a picture of the Mendenhall Glacier and then a "selfie" of us in front of the glacier.
We then took a tram to the top of Mt. Roberts and took pictures of the view from on high.  Posted one of them.
We finished off the day with a meal at the Red Dog Saloon.  There was a sign about the service that I posted.  The saloon had sawdust on the floor a couple of inches thick, lots of animal heads, signage, and a country western singer.  The food was good, too.  The story goes that during the territorial days, Gordie Kanouse would meet tour boats with his mule and wore a sign saying, "follow my ass to the Red Dog Saloon."  The saloon is now owned by a group of local residents.  It was a unique place to visit.
That's it for now.  Enjoy,

because we certainly are!


  1. Looks like you are having a great time!!! We're all super jealous!!!

  2. The pictures are amazing! It must really be a magnificent adventure! So glad you are having fun! xoxo
