Monday, June 30, 2014

Ft. St. John, BC

After seven hours and a mere 408 miles we have arrived at Ft. St. John, British Columbia.  It's a bit different here as the town did not go on Savings time.  So when we got here at 3:15 it was actually 2:15 just for this town.  Strange.
The weather has been good.  Sun shine once in a while and temps in the 60s.  A little wind, but not bad.
We did stop and take a quirky picture of a sculpture of a Beaver at Beaver Lodge, Alberta.  Then we were welcomed into British Columbia.  Next we joined the Alaska Highway.  Besides the sign for the highway, there was a sculpture of a man pointing the way in the middle of the round about.  Then I took a few pictures of the scenery.  It is prettier than the pictures, but you get an idea of what it's like.  We have been on some steep slopes - 6% and 10% grades.  A little scary coming down the 10% grade-for me any way.  Barry is cool as a cucumber!  I'm glad he was driving.  I drove earlier on flatter land.
We are making it an early night as we have a long day tomorrow.  Estimate of 10 hours.  That's due to the lack of towns.  We should enter the Yukon for the night.  Watson Lake to be specific.


  1. Replies
    1. Day two of kooky things... The worlds biggest beaver!!

  2. Looks like you two are having a great trip so far.
